Monday, November 23, 2015

Eraserhead (Director)

     “Eraserhead” directed by David Lynch and released in 1977, was made popular as a midnight movie.  The film has a very specific look to it and took several years to film.  The film stars Jack Nance, Charlotte Stewart, and Allen Joseph

     Lynch had to put much thought and effort into how he could achieve the look he had in mind for “Eraserhead.”  As the director explains, “The look comes about from what’s in front of the camera and how it’s lit. I designed it and built a lot of the things. You just work until you get it to feel correct. I knew what I wanted because of the ideas I got.”  By building much of the sets and props for the film himself, Lynch had an extraordinary amount of control over how the would look once it was completed.  

     The world of “Eraserhead” that Lynch created was one that, while he enjoyed it, not everyone else felt the same.  So how does Lynch feel about the public’s reactions to “Eraserhead?”  According to Lynch, “I would love to live in that world. I loved being in there during those years. Each viewer gets a different thing from every film. So there are some people where “Eraserhead” speaks to them, and others it doesn’t speak to them at all. It’s just the way it goes.”

    With all of the time and effort put into “Eraserhead” by Lynch, it is easy to see why the film has had such a strong impact on viewers, whether they loved the film or hated it.  Lynch's impact on the film is significant, and his contributions to the film create a world that is specific to him and his experiences, regardless of whether he will ever confirm exactly what the film is about or what inspired it.


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